How to Print NBI Clearance Application | What you need to know about printing

A similar question has been asked over and over again by people seeking NBI Clearance Online. You can verify this by scrolling down to the comment section and reading at least two pages of comments. We have decided to write this post only to address one specific question posed by the asking public, which we intend to address in this article.
Whenever you apply for your NBI Clearance, you shouldn’t print the NBI Clearance Application Form. It is not necessary to print the application form.I do not have an explicit statement about this on the site, but if you think about it logically and rehearse a little bit of your wise practice, you will probably end up having the same reasons as we did.
In case you are interested in learning or browsing the reasons behind why, then be prepared to listen to our explanations for why.
It is important for you to know that this is based on the reports of several people who have experienced and confirmed this fact: while going to any NBI Clearance Branch, you no longer need to print the NBI Clearance Application Form.
Firstly, you do not have to print out the NBI Clearance Application Form as it is saved inside the database of the same website where the personnel in the branch have easy access to your personal information using your Reference Number, which is the first good reason why you do not need to print it out. You simply fill out the application on the NBI Clearance website and it is then saved within that database.
Secondly, the NBI Clearance Personnel from different branches have also confirmed it hasn’t really been necessary to print the NBI Clearance Application Form just because they have exactly the same digital copy of it on their database because they have exactly the same digital copy in their hands.
As an alternate, you can contact their hotline and have exactly the same question and the person on the other end of the line will be able to answer it for you.
It is not necessary to print out the NBI Clearance Application Form since, in fact, if you do bring a hardcopy of your NBI clearance, you will not have to worry about the rest of the information, except for the Reference Number, if you provide a hard copy to the individual who assists you with the clearance. His/her computer will be the one where he/she types in the reference number. The information you provide will appear on the screen of his computer. This seems to be an easy task, doesn’t it?
Is it likely that the NBI Clearance Online personnel will copy and type personal information you provide on the application in order to complete the clearance process? Definitely not! It’s that simplicity that makes online applications so attractive.
How do I print the NBI Clearance Application? HOW TO DO?
All that you would need to do is open your NBI Clearance Online account and then head to the TRANSACTIONS tab if you wish to PRINT THE NBI CLEARANCE APPLICATION FORM.
Your Pending and Paid transactions will be displayed on this page. The DETAILS button can be found on the third column, titled “ACTIONS”. The Application Form will appear when you click it.When a paid transaction is processed, a small window will appear that displays the Reference Number associated with that transaction. The PRINT APPLICATION FORM button will appear at the bottom of that window.
Your application will be loaded in another tab in your browser. Your application can now be printed or saved.
There is only one requirement/condition that can be satisfied by this process and that is that the NBI Clearance has already been paid for.
Is there a problem with finding your information button?
It is important to first determine whether you already paid your NBI Clearance through any of the options listed on the web site. (Joke!) You should panic if yes.Please confirm your transaction status if your payment has already been made if your transaction is still pending.
Be calm while waiting for your status to be updated for an hour or two. If you have already paid for your application, the details button will be available.You cannot access the details button if your application is already paid.
If you’d like some coaching on a trick, I can help. Sometime, You might not be able to get the whole page of the website displayed on your computer because the screen resolution is low. Because of this, the Details buttons are cut-off on the page. A classic computer usually encounters this problem.
In most cases, you can simply zoom in your screen to fix the problem. Small resolution screens are not easily adapted to the NBI Clearance Online website. As a result, the user may encounter the problem if their screen is low resolution. Adjust your screen’s zoom to locate the missing information button.
DON’T HAVE AN APPLICATION FORM? Is there anything you need
It is important that you bear in mind that we recommended that the NBI Clearance Application Form should never be printed, so all you will need to bring is: