NBI Hit Status Clearance | What is Hit Status on NBI Clearance and What you should do

NBI Hit Status Clearance | HIT status for NBI clearances What you should do
If you or your namesake (i.e., an individual who shares the same name as you) appear to be linked to a record or information that might have a criminal record associated with it, then it is a concern for you.
NBI clearance Hit: How does it work?
A NBI personnel searches their criminal database every time an applicant applies for an NBI clearance to determine whether the applicant has virtually any criminal records, also referred to as “derogatory records”.
If the search produces a suspicious result, the result is called a “NBI Clearance Hit.”. This means that you can get a “hit” regardless of whether the criminal case is related to you or your name is associated with that criminal case. It will take some time for the verification process to be completed.
In addition, civil cases like annulments, ejectments, and funds claims aren’t included in the database because they aren’t covered by the NBI clearance.
Criminal offender records can be extracted from the NBI Criminal Database
It’s practically impossible for any fugitive with pending criminal cases to evade detection by law enforcement agencies like the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).
The “NBI Clearance Hit” status plays a crucial role in helping the NBI track down criminals who have been evading capture for a long time.
However, not all individuals with a “hit” status on their applications end up behind bars.
The NBI delays the issuance of clearance to verify whether the criminal case is associated with the applicant or someone with a similar name.
If you have NBI Hit status, how long does it take to get clearance?
If you are awarded an “NBI Clearance Hit Status,” then you have to wait from five to ten days while NBI researchers meticulously try to determine whether the “derogatory records” are yours or your namesake’s.
Once it’s confirmed that the “NBI Clearance Hit” is due to someone with the same name who has committed or is suspected of a crime, individuals with a clean record can simply return to the NBI office after the waiting period to claim their clearance without any additional fees.
However, if derogatory records are found to actually pertain to you, the NBI will require you to attend an “NBI Clearance Quality Control Interview.”
The purpose of this interview is to allow NBI agents to closely examine your identity. If you’re not a fugitive, there’s no need to worry, especially if you have been cleared of any past criminal cases.
Be sure to bring the following requirements with you to the interview
You need to present two valid IDs or documents confirming your identity, along with the original and photocopy of the Court Decision/Certification from your court indicating that the criminal case has been resolved. Additionally, provide the NBI Clearance Official Receipt and a print-out of your NBI Clearance online registration/application form.
Once it’s verified that the case has been dismissed, your NBI clearance with the hit status will be issued to you promptly.However, applicants with ongoing cases in courts will still receive a clearance, but their cases will be reflected in their clearances upon release.